KMeans on batch, accelerated on Pytorch
When you have a hammer, every problem looks like nail to you.
When we have a torch, wo do try burning everything , even using it for kmeans.
You can also check here for a use case on gowalla dataset. You can see the time taken to run an entire epoch is down from 30+ minutes to 38 seconds using by batch technique, and the wall time is down to 3 seconds if we use a NVIDIA GTX 1070
This hack can accelerate the calculation of kmeans in scale of x10 ~ x1000.
Assume we have a large array A, will be clustered in a big centroid number: K
import numpy as np
A = np.random.rand(1e6,4)
K = 200
As the calculation grow exponentially with the centroids number.
In this case we can use this pytorch to harvest the power of cuda GPU to accelerate the calculation
If you use sklearn’s kmeans, you could have waited for hours
from ray.kmean_torch import kmeans_core
km = kmeans_core(k=K,data_array=A,batch_size=3000,epochs=200)
Here we have the cluster index
idx = km.idx
Self defined distance function
Suppose you are clustering anchor box for object detetion.
We want use a very specific distance function calculated from IOU(Intersection Over Union)
So we tweak the kmeans like the following:
class iou_km(kmeans_core):
def __init__(self, k, data_array, batch_size=1000, epochs=200):
super(iou_km, self).__init__(k, data_array, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs)
def calc_distance(self, dt):
calculation steps here
dt is the data batch , size = (batch_size , dimension)
self.cent is the cent
centroid, size = (k,dim)
the return distance, size = (batch_size , k), from each point's distance to centroids
bs = dt.size()[0]
box = dt.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, self.k, 1)
anc = self.cent.unsqueeze(0).repeat(bs, 1, 1)
outer = torch.max(box[..., 2:4], anc[..., 2:4])
inner = torch.min(box[..., 2:4], anc[..., 2:4])
inter = inner[..., 0] * inner[..., 1]
union = outer[..., 0] * outer[..., 1]
distance = 1 - inter / union
return distance
Then use the inherited class iou_km
kiou = iou_km(k = 9,data_array = bounding_box_label_array)
You can define your own kmeans by batch run on pytorch with other distance function in above way.
Notice: When design the distance function, use matrix operations, avoid python loop as much as possible to best harnesting the power of cuda