
A Machine Learning Task Page/Butler/Assistant/Helper

Like cooking, after you’ve done some machine learning experiment in your jupyter notebook, you’ll leave behind a trial of mess in the kitchen.

See selling points

Purpose of Forge:

Forge is originally created to organize the above chaos with minimal extra coding, and parallel access through WebUI/python.

Hopefully, this tracking mechanism will evolve to a way offering clearer sense of managing your AI/Learning tasks.

task management example


This framework demands python3.6 or above, preferably anaconda3, to use python api, install the package under the same environment you train your model.

Run the following under the proper environment

(base)$ pip install git+

Python code API

forgebox is the code API tool box, check forgebox tutorial based on titanic dataset

forgebox is a python api that you can add to your python script or jupyter notebook cell. You can train your model happily in the way you like, with very limited addition to your original code. Then your training trial can be read/checked/reviewed on a clean shaved Web interface.

pipe is for dataflow pipeline, beam style data preprocessing for pandas dataframe and pandas dataframe generator.

The Web UI

Forge offers a Web UI solution for administrative purpose, cleaning up your AI tasks. weight management page

Selling points

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